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“How to Sabotage Your Own Success”
Success happens on purpose and you have to cultivate it to experience it; but for some, they have wrong thinking, therefore they don’t experience it like they could. Self-defeating thinking is one of the culprits that keep us from achieving and being more successful in our lives. Here are some characteristics of people who have self-defeating thinking:
• The people who think like this are stuck in a cycle of bitterness, depression, anger and cynicism.
• They don’t feel like they are worth anything and constantly feel overwhelmed.
• They start finishing things, but never finish them because if they actually finished a task, they would feel better about themselves and have a sense of accomplishment.
• They refuse help or assistance.
These people are the same way in relationships because they won’t allow themselves to ever feel good about themselves, so they fail over and over again. We have to break out of this cycle before it destroys any more lives. Once we recognize this type of mentality, we can correct it. We must realize that we are worth something and have value. It’s ok to feel good about ourselves and who we are as people. Let go of unforgiveness and blaming others for your life. Move forward from where you are and remember from time to time that all of us need help. Don’t allow yourself to sabotage your own success.
Published on Sunday, March 11, 2012 @ 7:18 PM MDT

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