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Counter the Counterculture
As believers in the Father of our Lord Jesus and His word, we cannot allow ourselves to be indoctrinated by the world’s culture message.
Worship the Creator:
We are being bombarded continuously by a secular, anti-God message. This message is also teaching our children to believe less in God and more in themselves. The world is recruiting our kids to worship the creation instead of the creator. The world is lying to them about identity — who they are, how God made them — while the Church sits by idly and says nothing.
Rise up:
It is time for the people of God to rise up and be the salt and light we were called to be. It’s time we quit being ashamed of the gospel. It’s time we take our stand on the word of God and never back off. People need the truth. They need someone to care enough about them to deliver the truth — in a way that is kind but truthful.
Preach the word:
If people don’t repent and ask Jesus to be Lord of their lives, they will perish; they won’t make heaven. Through the foolishness of preaching men will be saved. Preaching what? The word of God! It’s God’s word that gives us freedom from sin.
So, let’s purpose to let people know who God is and what He requires us to do to follow Him. We must combat the lies from the world with the truth that comes from only the word of God (the Bible).
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, May 9, 2022 @ 8:48 AM MDT

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