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Pride Leads to Destruction
The world is celebrating Pride Month for homosexuals. But as believers we don’t!
Reprobate minds:
The word of God clearly condemns homosexual behavior. The behavior is wrong. According to the word of God, those who don’t repent before they die will end up in hell. God never made anyone that way. Circumstances do, deception does, but God does not. He doesn’t make alcoholics, murderers, thieves, gossipers — no difference.
Know the truth:
As believers we must become Bible literate, or we will buy into the lies of the devil. The world is lost: they do not honor God as God (Romans 1:18-32). They reject Him and then blaspheme God by making reprobate statements.
The Church needs to preach the truth. Why? Because we shouldn’t want anyone to go to hell. We should care enough about those who don’t honor Christ to tell them the truth. We need great discernment. We need to understand God will never be mocked, and those who lie about Him will end up in the lake of fire.
So, let’s learn what the Bible says and do our best to live it and honor it. Then we will see God’s blessings in our lives.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, June 13, 2022 @ 8:31 AM MDT

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