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Let Go and Let God
Hate is a very destructive emotion and it should not be a part of our lives as Christians. Hate is the feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone or something, but the world has defined hatred as disagreement. To disagree, however, simply means I don’t agree with your behavior, point of view, or opinion on something. Just because I disagree with you, doesn’t mean I hate you. It’s amazing how we sit back and allow the politically correct to redefine the meaning of words; so-called Christians still believe in the rhetoric of the lost who don’t believe in Christ or His teaching.
On the contrary, to truly hate someone, means you don’t care about a person, or group of persons, at all. As a consequence, you have no compassion for that individual or group. Clearly, most of us would never physically murder anyone, but when we hate someone in our hearts, the Bible says it is like murder (I John 3:15). By saying this, God was letting us know that our intentions are just as important as, if not more important than, our actions. We may not have to go before a judge in a courtroom, but one day we will have to go before the Righteous Judge.
How long will we allow someone or something to have such an ill effect on our lives (I John 1:9)? I don’t hate anyone to the point that I wouldn’t care if they died. If the person I dislike the most came to me and wanted to get their life right with God, I wouldn’t hesitate to help them. But when we hate someone, it separates us from God; and the effects of hate, in our lives and in the lives of those around us, can be detrimental. Let’s confess our sins to God and watch what happens; if hate was your issue, anger will leave and depression will subside. But first, we need to forgive, and then, we need to let it go.
Just a Thought,
Published on Monday, July 13, 2015 @ 6:31 AM MDT

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