Pastor Juan Testimony
This is my third Father's Day as a dad, but my first Father's Day without my dad. He went home to be with Jesus at the end of last year. Not having him around this Father's Day put the fifth commandment into a new light for me: "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you." Exodus 20:12 I realized that even though my dad is no longer around, the principles he taught me will always remain. This means if I have long days in the land I'm living, I am to honor those principles, not until the day he dies, but rather until the day I die. This was huge for me because I didn't feel ready for it when I was asked to step into this position at the end of last year.
But I thought about what my dad might tell me if I'd spoken to him about it. When I went from being a worship pastor to a pastor 5 years ago, I called him and told him I didn't feel ready. And he told me this, and I'll never forget it.
"God is the only one who can open doors, and God is the only one who can close doors, and all the devil can do is mess with you in the hallway. This is a wide-open door, and it looks like the devil is just messing with you."
And I knew that's what he would tell me again. And I walked through that door, and it has been the biggest blessing in my life. I realized that even though my dad is no longer around, everything he taught me will never leave me. And, even though I can't see him, I get to honor him until the day that I die by staying obedient to those principles.
- Pastor Juan

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