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Hope Eternal
When someone we love dies, we grieve their loss. It is part of healing. We grieve because we love. If you don’t want to ever experience the pain of loss, don’t ever love anyone.
Good grief:
The difference is: if we are believers, we do grieve, but not like those who are not saved. They believe death of this physical body is the final end. But those of us who believe in Jesus realize it is only the beginning of eternal life — to be with our Savior and His Father forever. So, we grieve with hope.
The last enemy:
A person’s death is sad for us, but glorious for them. God wants us to love one another, to care, and He knows when someone we love leaves this earth that it hurts. That is why death is called the last enemy. It is an enemy, no doubt.
Hope and healing:
So, as we meditate on the word of God and believe Him and believe in heaven, God, by His Spirit, begins to bring hope and healing to our hearts and minds. We don’t quit caring and loving others: we keep loving and caring for others. Why? Because of the hope God has given us eternal life with Him. I often think, If I could leave my loved ones with anyone, it would be God.I also believe that once those who are saved get a glimpse of heaven, they don’t want to come back here.
So be hopeful! Never give up hope!Just a thought,
Published on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 @ 11:17 AM MDT

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