Subscribe To Pastor Steve's Weekly Just A Thought
The Greatest Gift
’Tis the season is used to indicate a particular time of the year.
The season:
This is the season of the Lord Jesus’ birth. The reason we celebrate that birth. A time when the whole world was changed forever. A time when the Savior of the world came to the earth in the most vulnerable, humble fashion — as a baby.
The reason:
But Jesus didn’t stay a baby. He grew and gave His life as the Savior of the world that anyone who would believe on Him would be saved from eternal death, saved from hell. A season that He died for our sins that we could be forgiven. All we have to do is believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus, and He will fill us with His Holy Spirit, and save us from being separated from God forever. A season to remember what is really important.
The presence:
For many, this time of year is all about presents and parties. It’s sad to me that Christmas has become so commercialized that the real meaning has been lost. It should be about the greatest gift ever given. Jesus — Immanuel — God with us. To be grateful and thankful for His sacrifice. Let us never mistake parties and presents as the reason for the season.
Let us all reflect on our lives and make sure the real reason for the season is Jesus in our lives.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, December 6, 2021 @ 10:56 AM MDT

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