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The Signs of the Times
Luke 12:56 NLT — You Fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.
The last days:
In Jesus’ day the principal occupation was farming, and these people grew skilled at interpreting natural signs. But they refused to properly interpret the signs of the times.
We are in the last of the last days, where the world, politicians, and the courts have removed God from the public arena, the public square. When God and His word (the Bible) are removed, the ridiculous, the absurd prevails.
The absurdities:
It’s absurd for any true believer to believe abortion is OK. It is absurd for a true believer to believe homosexuality is OK. It is absurd for any true believer to believe in bigger government. It is absurd for any true believer to believe that we should listen to the government tell us how we should worship God. It is absurd for any true believer to believe that the indoctrination of our children into a secular, ungodly belief system is OK.
His kingdom:
I hope you get the picture. God is either right, or He is not. He can’t be half right. Either He is Lord of all, or He is not Lord at all. He is not the God of this culture — He is the God of His word (the Bible) and His kingdom. His kingdom is all that matters.
True believers will believe Him, and by doing so we will stand against this ungodly culture.
Just a thought,
Published on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 @ 10:45 AM MDT

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