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Upon This Rock
The Bible teaches us in Matthew 7:21–24 that calling Jesus Lord of our lives is not enough. We must actually do what the word of God teaches us to do.
Do the word:
We are living in some very difficult times — very hard-to-bear times. I believe God can use this to help us grow: to develop our faith in Him and His word if we allow Him to. Only those who do the will of My father (Jesus says) will enter the kingdom of heaven. It’s not the hearers but the doers of the word of God who are blessed, who get to enter heaven.
Only believe:
What we have seen is that people believe inGod but don’t know how to believe God, to exercise their faith. That’s why so many have allowed fear to control them, to dictate whether they go to church or not. It’s funny so many can go to stores shopping, but somehow church is an option. So, they opt out. We either purpose to do what He says or we don’t.
Weather the storms:
Hebrews 10:25 says we are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. So many have done that. People have said, It is not safe to come and worship God.I thank God those pastors and Christians in Communist China didn’t say that. Their lives are in danger. They will either be killed or imprisoned for their faith. We might catch a virus which for 99.99 % of people is not fatal. These folks put their very lives on the line. I bet Jesus lets them into His heaven because He states in Matthew 7:24, Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.What are we building our lives on — a solid foundation or a foundation of sand that can’t stand against the storms of life?
Let’s allow God to help us build our faith, not shrink back from doing His will.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, November 2, 2020 @ 9:57 AM MDT

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