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With All Your Heart
The Bible teaches us to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding.
Highest relationship:
So, what does it mean to trust God, to trust someone else? Trust is the highest relationship with others. It means to have confidence in, to be secure, to feel safe. It means you believe what they tell you.
Worldly trust:
In our society, it is hard to fully trust anyone or anything. Marketers are trying to get us to trust in their products. Politicians are trying to get us to trust them enough to vote for them. Spouses want to be trusted.
Biblical trust:
The Bible teaches us not to trust in man. Why? People will disappoint you; they will let you down. But God will never disappoint or let you down. Jeremiah 17:5 — This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord.” So, we are not to put our trust in people, but in God. Now we do trust people. We have to at times — trust people will keep their word, do what they say. But we shouldn’t put our trust in them to the point we lose our faith and our trust in God. That’s what happens to so many. Someone will let them down, and then they get mad at God. That’s what the Bible is teaching. Yes, if people have proven themselves trustworthy, great. But eventually people will let you down, even when they don’t mean to.
God is trustworthy. Let’s begin to believe everything He says, and learn to trust Him totally.
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, November 15, 2021 @ 10:34 AM MDT

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