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Where Is Your God?
Where Is Your God?
Who or what owns first place in your life? It should be an easy thing to tell if someone observes your words, your actions, and where you spend your time.
In the government?
Too many people are transferring their allegiance from God to the government. This is dangerous, not just as individuals, but also as a nation. God said if He holds the first place in our lives, He will provide the things we need to live (Matthew 6:33). We ought to seek Him and His ways and His line of thinking.
In the trunk?
There are those who put God in the trunk like a tire jack and get Him out only in case of emergency. No one likes to be treated like that, and yet that is how some people treat God. He is either first or not. If He is first, everything falls into place.
In the driver’s seat?
God loves you, but He will lead you only if you allow Him into the driver’s seat. Whatever you are the most passionate about, or where you spend most of your time and money, will be first in your life.
I believe that, as you take inventory of your life, you will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that God has been given His rightful place on the throne of your heart: first place.
Just a thought,
Published on Tuesday, August 29, 2017 @ 9:45 AM MDT
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