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True Friendship
True friendship is difficult to find, but when you do, you should do everything you can to keep it. One friend, that we should all have, will be the closest friend we will ever have. He is the one who will love us no matter what, and who will overlook our faults and shortcomings. He is the one who will never be offended. The friend that is being described is God, the one who created us all. He is the Father of our Lord Jesus. Outside of that friendship, it is said that if you have two really close friendships, consider yourself a lucky person. Now it is true that you will have different relationships at different stages of your life. The friends that you have in high school may be different than your friends in college. Your friends in college may be different than your friends when you enter your career and get married. However, if you are lucky enough to have two close friendships, work to keep them. Every relationship goes through ups and downs, so be quick to forgive and let things go in order to preserve the friendship. In other words, don’t take a friendship for granted because you may not find another one like it. Some of you are lucky to have five, true friends in your lifetime; whatever number it is, it is likely to be a very small one. Be sure to work at your friendships, be quick to forgive, and quick to repent. The one friend that we all have, if we believe, is one that will stick closer to us than a brother, and that friend is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Just A Thought,
Published on Thursday, September 11, 2014 @ 11:25 AM MDT

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