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What Are You Pursuing?
Are you pursuing things like power, influence, wealth, or possessions? The Bible says in I Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows” (NLT). As a matter of fact, the Amplified version says, “Many acute (mental) pangs.” By pursuing the things of this world, you will always be in a competition and eventually find yourself on the losing end, resulting in pain and sorrow.
As Christians, we are told in I Timothy 6:11, to pursue godliness among other things. Godliness is devotion to live by God’s laws and a desire to please Him by living our lives according to the Word of God. Essentially, godliness is how much you reflect the character of God. As Jerry Bridges said, “Godliness is more than Christian character. It covers the totality of the Christian life and provides the foundation upon which Christian character is built.” He also said, “Godliness is a personal attitude toward God that results in actions that are pleasing to God.”
Ultimately, your level of happiness will be determined by what you pursue in life. I Timothy 4:8 says, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come” (NLT). As we pursue godliness, by learning about God and by being a doer of His Word, we will live happier and more fulfilled lives.
Just a Thought,
Published on Monday, May 4, 2015 @ 6:31 AM MDT

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