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Are You a Convert or a Disciple?
For many in the Church today, making disciples is the same as making converts. They are different: in order to be a disciple, one must be a convert; but in order to be a convert, one does not necessarily have to be a disciple.
On the sidelines:
Converts are new believers. We all begin as converts. Way too often, most stop there. We make Christianity about what we believe, becoming a convert in the beginning of our walk with God. A convert may cheer Jesus from the sidelines; but a disciple is someone who grows, develops, and truly follows Christ.
In the center:
Disciples are the ones who get involved at church, instead of just showing up. They deal with certain bad relationships in their lives, and repent of their sins. True disciples serve, give their tithes and offerings, bring people to church. It’s about Jesus becoming the center of their life. They purpose to learn the word of God and do it. A disciple is salt and light to a lost world.
Good enough:
A convert is one who sits back and thinks just showing up is good enough, one who constantly makes excuses why they don’t give, why they don’t serve. A convert really does not have God’s heart for the lost. Most of the people who attend church today just show up and don’t really contribute. They come, maybe tip God, and don’t serve.
A disciple is one who purposes to follow Jesus and do what He says. They have a heart for the lost, and will share their faith with others. They take ownership in the kingdom of God.
So which one are you, a convert or a disciple? It’s your choice.
Just a thought,
Published on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 @ 6:28 AM MDT
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