Subscribe To Pastor Steve's Weekly Just A Thought
You Have a ’Tude!
In a world where many things are seemingly out of our control, it is important to remember that there is one thing we are always in control of — our words. The words that create our thoughts, the words that tell our story, the stories we tell ourselves dictate the way we feel. The way we feel equals our attitude, and that is all under our control.
We control it:
There is not much we can control in our lives. We can’t control what anyone else does; we cannot control what someone else says, or thinks. We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control what we think, what we say, the things we do. We can control our attitude. Our attitude will determine our altitude. How much we accomplish, the opportunities that come our way are a result of our attitude.
Someone fixes it:
No one likes a bad attitude. In fact, when our kids were small, my wife and I would say to them at times, “You correct your attitude or we will, but somebody is going to correct it.”
We own it:
Our attitude is just that — ours. It’s all ours. If we have a good attitude or a bad one, our choice. So, if we are not happy, we have the ability to change that by changing our attitude. So, through each and every circumstance, we have a choice of what our attitude will be. We have the ability to change our attitude today. Right now.
It’s about how we see things. Our choice!
Just a thought,
Published on Monday, August 8, 2022 @ 8:29 AM MDT

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